Number of Hate Groups- New High

 Hate Groups Hit 20-Year High

Hate Exists Now More Than Ever

The problem of hate groups is now on the rise. Besides the Ku Klux Klan, which is now facing a decline because of the lack of younger generations having an interest to be a part of this group, other hate groups are becoming more of an issue.

Immigrants, LGBTQ individuals, Muslims, Jews, and others have all been recently affected by hate crimes. Black nationalist groups have picked up steam with their hostility towards LGBTQ and anti-white people. Recent events that have been their motives are NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem and hot rhetoric from figures such as Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. 

On another hand, a leader of the American Freedom Party was pleased to say that "the core European American population is being overwhelmed by tens of millions of legal and illegal immigrants." He thinks that it helps elevate their reputation. 

Hate needs to stop whether it is against Jews, Muslims, the LGBTQ community, or any other group. This is a very controversial topic and it will never come to a full agreement, but hate needs to end now and achieving this goal has to start today. 
