My Fab Five News Sites

My Favorite News Sites

With all the talk about "fake news" these days, it is hard to find a source you trust. However, you still want to hear about the latest news that everyone is chatting about. Below you will see my five favorite sites to get the daily scoop. 

1. Google News

Google News is one of my favorite news sites to visit. The reason that Google News is one of my favorites is because I am constantly on Google.  This makes it easy for me to click on the 'News' button at the top and automatically see the latest news about the topic I am searching.

2. Los Angeles Times

Another one of my favorite news sites to visit is the LA Times. The reason I like LA Times is that it shows me the trending topics at the top of the page. I am from Los Angeles so this is one of the news sites that I grew up with. However, what I like the most about the LA Times is that they break up the news by category such as business, travel, politics and more. This way you can easily navigate what kind of news you want to read and easily access it.

3. USA Today

My third favorite site that I visit to receive news is USA Today. When going on their website, the first thing your eye goes to is the top stories on the right-hand side. This allows you to see the stories that are currently trending. Then, at the top of the site, there are categories you can specifically click on such as news, sports, money, crosswords, and more.

4. Buzz Feed

Buzz Feed might be one of my favorite news sites because of the interactive quizzes! The reason Buzz Feed is one of my favorite news sites, and maybe even my favorite, is because they have lots of news about celebrities. I do not use social media a lot, so Buzz Feed is my way of keeping up with the latest celebrity news. They also have quizzes that you can take which makes it interactive and keeps you interested!

5. Wall Street Journal

Last but not least, WSJ is another great news site to visit. The Wall Street Journal is cool because it has the current stock market at the top of their page. This makes it easy to see what is currently happening with certain stocks and if they are going up or down. They also have a 'Breaking News' bar in red at the top which allows you to easily access the latest breaking news. This site is divided into categories such as politics, real estate, economy, business, and more.
