To Blog or Not to Blog?

Blogging Today

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Blogging has been viewed as a public form of journalism, giving anyone who wishes the opportunity to comment on events of the day or post about their daily routine. Blogging has become so common that in fall 2002, several journalism schools at major universities have added courses in blogging to their curriculum. The New York Times had estimated that there were now over half a million web blogs, and that number continues to grow. 

Blogging has become a part of everyday life because it is now used as a place for students to create portfolios, a place for students, parents, and community members to collaborate, a peer coaching environment for faculty, a classroom tool for posting assignments, and a knowledge management tool for compiling research logs, reference tools, policies, and forms. 

The growth of blogging is in part due to the advancement of technology which has made what was once difficult- publishing Web content- extraordinarily easy. Most blogs provide information that is targeted to a certain interest group whether that be politics or technology. Almost all blogs start from humble beginnings and a passion for the topic. The growth of corporate blogging has grown from a base of 16% in 2007 to a projected 43% in 2012. This number has been and will continue to grow. 
