Blog Away

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  • How did the World Wide Web in general change the world of mass communication?
- Almost always connected to an Internet-enabled device: this could be in the form of a smartphone, fitness monitor, watch, car, or screen

- Privacy: we are all connected to one another and know each other's business. We constantly brand ourselves online and within 5 minutes of waking up, we reach for our smartphone or tablet.

More and more data about our lives is permanently stored on servers and is made searchable by others (including governement agencies and private corporations)

  • How did the personal blogging platform change the world of mass communication?
The power of publishing for anyone: with a blog, anyone can publish information, voice an opinion, and potentially reach a global audience 

- This puts the average citizen in a very powerful position- incorrect information or an angry consumer can quickly do damage to large corporations

-Sharing and commenting- businesses can talk to their customers, manage discussion, and quickly respond when needed

  • What were the things you found enjoyable about keeping up a blog this semester?
- Staying updated: always looked at current events and looked at 3 or more sources to establish reliability 

- Practice: practiced my writing skills and how to write blog posts

- Gave me a voice

  • What are some things you would recommend to future students about keeping up a blog throughout the semester?
- Do it: this is great practice for the future and is a valuable experience

- Do your research: allows you to look at different sources and learn things you did not know before

- Let your voice be heard
