Reliable Sources

The Most Reliable and the Least Reliable Sources

According to the University of Missouri, the most trusted news sources are Economist, Public Television, Reuters, BBC, NPR, PBS, Guardian, Wall Street Journal, LaTimes, Dallas Morning News, Local, Politico, Associated Press, Denver Post, Washington Post, Time, Seattle Times, Kansas City Star, New York Times, USA Today, and the Atlantic. The least trusted news sources are CBS, CNN, NBC, Drudge Report, MSNBC, ABC, Limbaugh, Fox, Blaze, Huffington Post, Internet, Yahoo, Infowars, Trump, Social Media, Breitbart, Buzzfeed, and Occupy Democrats.

They also found that politically liberal respondents were more trusting of the media than conservatives, while Caucasians were more likely than any other races to express confidence in the media. After President Trump attacked many mainstream media organizations and called them "fake news" in response to unfavorable coverage, the debate over trust and journalism took on a different tone. Trump himself was viewed untrustworthy, with a credibility score that was higher than social media sources but lower than the internet as a whole.

What makes a news source reliable?

The "news" that appears in a person's news feed is in fact not "news" at all. It is simply information that is used to create widespread panic and reinforce preexisting biases by putting everyone in echo-chambers. Certain outlets have been accused of promoting a particular agenda while others have never seemed to grasp the facts.

Some key things to look for in order to establish reliability and credibility is what a site considers to be news, how they fact check, and if they present any political bias.

Although all human beings have personal biases towards certain things, the job of news sites is not to confirm a bias, but to report the facts. The job of news sites is to report events accurately.

In order to prevent yourself from reading biased news sources, the biggest thing you can do is to diversify your sources. Instead of reading one article about a topic, read three articles and you will have a better idea of what is true based on what is consistent in the articles. You may also see what the contradictions in these articles are.

Another very important thing to do is to actively work to understand views that are different from your own. It is important to understand someone else rather than reinforcing your own beliefs because not everyone has the same view. Reading opinion pieces and looking at sites that offer well-researched viewpoints that differ from your own may help.
