Online Footprints

Do You Really Know Everything Online That is Posted About You? 

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Why she quit social media

Facebook Technology

Social media is a very dangerous thing to participate in if you aren't careful. Online footprints is a term that means everything you do online, stays online, whether you delete it or not. When I did a simple google search on my name, a list of things came up. My LinkedIn profile, my Twitter page, my Facebook profile, my high school basketball statistics, and my family members' names.

About a year ago, I decided to stop posting online because social media was taking up too much of my time. However, I did not stop going on social media sites all together so I was still on the apps themselves. This still allows future employers and the public to do a simple search and find out a lot about me before even meeting me.

Social media has become a dangerous game to play. One dumb choice and it will be online for everyone to see forever. Inappropriate photos, underage drinking, hazing initiates, anything you post, even if immediately deleted, will stay online forever. This is why you need to be very careful with what you post. Many high school and college students post pictures on Facebook of everything they're doing and spring break pictures, which can hurt their image.

Online cookies allow websites to remember you went on their site and start tracking all the other sites that you go on. How would you feel if one day you went online and saw your name with every website or google search you had ever done? Probably not the best feeling. Social media has the capability of doing good by keeping your friends and family updated about what you're doing, but at the same time, it is a win-lose battle.

Being cautious when online is very important. I stopped posting online because I was aware of the dangers it came along with. This does not mean that everyone has to stop posting on social media, but everyone should be careful and picky about what they post. You never know when that one post you made eight years ago is going to come back and kick you in the butt.
