Understanding the True Terms

Germany and  Facebook

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Reading and Agreeing to the Terms

Do you ever read the whole terms and agreements before clicking the agree box at the bottom?
No. Neither do any of us because it is much easier scrolling all the way down to the bottom of the page and checking the "agree" box.

Germany's antitrust regulator just announced that Facebook will no longer be able to force users to agree to the non-Facebook content that Facebook is linking to their users' accounts. Facebook has been collecting data about what websites its users are using and where they shop as well as what they like. When signing up for a Facebook account, most users do not realize what they are giving their consent to when pressing the agree to terms button. By doing this, the German regulator argues that this gives it jurisdiction to oversee the company's data collection practices.

Some argue that if Facebook goes away, there are many other replacements such as Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. However, the FCO disagreed and said that none of those apps are the same as Facebook.

About 74% of American Facebook users did not know about Facebook maintaining profiles about their interests and 51% of those said that they were not comfortable with the practice. Overall, Facebook needs to get rid of the non-Facebook content linked to the users' accounts. Users' should know what they sign up for and not feel shocked and uncomfortable with what they have been using thus far.
